Complete set of 10 volumes. Japan. Described and Illustrated by the Japanese. Written by Eminent Japanese Authorities and Scholars. Edited by Captain F Brinkley of Tokyo Japan. Published by J B Millet Company Boston, Mass USA. Orient Edition, numbered 312/500. An important and vivid 19th-century work on Japanese history, geography, and culture by Brinkley, who lived in Japan for over forty years. The Japan volumes offer a detailed description of the history and culture of Japan. They cover a wide range of topics, including marital and family relations, women in Japan, art and literature, religion, customs and traditions, crime, commerce, and politics. Typical of Meiji era Japanese tourist photography, the hand-colored photographs show city views, architecture, historic sites, landscapes, genre scenes, and portraits of Japanese people. The extraordinary number of original photographs used in the total number of sets of all the various editions make this one of the most ambitious and remarkable achievements ever in the history of 19th-century photographic publishing. Covers are colored brocade cloth with beveled edges and tied with thick cord stitching which firmly binds the contents in traditional Japanese manner. Each book measures 15 3/4" x 12 3/8".

Pre-Sale estimate $100-$150.